More than a day job!

Every time I do my job, I thank God for my job!!  Truly, it feels like its more than an 8-16:30 kind of thing. Of course it has it's challenges like any other job/career I guess, but for the most part this is what I was born to do. This career is absolutely me!! For as long as I can remember I have had this deep interest in all things that are to do with my continent, I am proud to have been born on this continent! I am passionate about Africa, about her advancement, about her development. The diverse people, the cultures, the way of life....all of it just grips me! For as long as I can remember I have wanted to travel, to travel within in Africa specifically! And man I feel blessed because my job entails exactly that! I work on issues that speak directly to Africa's development and as such I get to couple two of my passions : AFRICA and traveling. Each time I touch down in a different African city- Addis Ababa, Nairobi, Johannesburg, Lagos, Accra, Monrovia, Dakar - in cannot help but feel a wave of something that I cannot accurately describe; not because I lack enough vocabulary to capture and articulate the feeling, but because I believe there are not enough words to accurately describe this feeling!! Well only my Creator, my God could have had a hand in this! Big up to Him! This is only the beginning, as in my own way I endevour to make a modest contribution to this, our Africa. I continue to be inspired by African greats, past and present, such as Nkrumah, Nyerere, Sankara, Madiba, Mbeki.


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