Thinking Out Loud

From the many conversations that one has had with friends over lunches, dinners, holidays , spa days etc., I feel the urge to put most of these conversations on paper. More often than not these conversations are humorous as we tackle subjects such as #WFMA (waiting for my Adam), "the prototype", "DHL it or leave it?", "weapons of war" etc... Please lest I be misinterpreted and quoted out of context, my lady friends and I discuss other more important things such as: women empowerment, the role that nuclear energy can play in addressing Africa's energy crisis, the impact of globalization on development, the role of the youth in Africa's development and of course, the nexus between peace and development, and of course the age old philosophical question:  what is the meaning of life?

In light of the foregoing, I feel that it is only right that I use this platform to bring these discussions to light. In order to protect the identities of those involved and to confuse the enemy, I will employ the use of pseudonyms. I must say for some reason over the last six months or so there have been so many interesting things happening to me, all of which in one way or another relate to my current status. I mean just the other day, I was on a call regarding an insurance quotation and this is how the conversation went between myself and the consultant (male) on the other end:.....
Consultant: Are you married?
Me: No.
Consultant: Are you engaged?
Me: No.
Consultant: Are you living with someone?
Me: No.
Consultant: Are you lobolad?
Me: No.
Consultant: Heh? Mara why what's wrong? 

There was such alarm and perhaps even concern in the tone of the male consultant on the other side. He seemed rather taken aback at how on earth it is possible that to all of the questions he posed, I answered in the negative. I couldn't not help but be amused and merely laugh at the concern of this stranger. There are so many stories of this nature that I could cite right now, but I will save those for later posts.

This will be a platform where, I will share many similar anecdotes and at times I will use this platform to think out loud and sometimes share the stories that play out in the theater that is my mind. 

My ladies, welcome to the largest and longest slumber party yet. Get your drink of choice ready (I'll have a vanilla milkshake followed by a mojito - hmm I was once told that the best mojitos  are the ones made on Long Street in Cape Town) ... that too is a story for another day... *winks*

This is going to be fun!


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