In Christ!

In Christ, there is restoration. As people, we are on a journey. We may not be of the world, but yet we live in the world. The world can be a pretty hostile place to find yourself in, especially if you are not of it. The Bible tells us that although we live in the world, we ought not to live as people of the world. We are children of the light, citizens of heaven, and ambassadors of heaven on earth. Despite, this truth that I have just mentioned above, at times we may find ourselves – even the most vigilant people- having temporarily blurred the line between ‘citizens of the world’ and ‘citizens of heaven’. But the good thing is that that internal compass that always points to our eternal home is forever on. That internal compass will forever and continually point us in the direction of home. So no matter how much or how long we may lived between the blurred lines, that compass will always speak to us to remind us of our actual citizenship in the Kingdom of God.  Okay, I think I’m speaking in riddles here, but what I am trying to say is that as people, we may sometimes falter, lose our way, take the wrong turn away from the path that God has set before us. The path that God wants us, as His children to walk is one that is based on principles and obedience to His Word. All of this is for our good, for God knows the plans He has for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future. Now, what I truly love about this God, is that not only does HE love us – but HE IS LOVE! When we come to him he is quick to forgive, He doesn’t hold our shortcomings against us.  Isaiah 44:21-22 reads as follows: Israel, I created you, and you are my servant. I won’t forget you. Turn back to me! I have rescued you and swept away your sins as though they were clouds. Therefore, we can have confidence that when we approach His throne we can be sure that HE will restore whatever has been lost, broken or stolen from us (even if it has been our fault!). He is the God of new beginnings. He is the God of restoration! And when God restores, He makes our situations even better than before!! This is captured so well in the book of Isaiah: " Instead of bronze I will bring gold; instead of iron I will bring silver; instead of wood, bronze; and instead of stones, iron. I will make peace your governor and righteousness your taskmaster." So be bot discouraged, there is hope and restoration at the throne of the Most High, the Lord of Heaven's Armies!


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