Monrovia to Accra: Conversations  

What a strange thing it is when two souls collide. Okay, thats a bit of an exaggeration, but that is  how I feel anyway. Let me start at the beginning.  So, it's the morning of 4 October 2013 and I'm at Roberts International Airport in Liberia. I've checked in, the flight is delayed and so we I am sitting at the Protocol Lounge. The flight eventually arrives and I'm led to the the waiting area. As I'm sitting in the lounge, there's this captivating lady that I just can't stop staring at. Theres just something that draws me to her. I decide to stop staring In case she thinks I'm some kind of stalker.  So we leave the lounge and I make peace with the fact that I did not have an opportunity to strike up conversation. She heads out gets on the bus to the flight and I get on a different car to the plane.  By the time I get on the flight, it's full and so I make my way to my seat, 16 C. But when I get to my designated seat, there's a huge guy who looks like an igwe (this is a flight to Lagos by the way ) there already. So I decide to take the seat on the other side of the aisle, 16 D. And to my surprise, the lady in 16 E is the very same lady I had so wanted to strike up a casual conversation with inside the airport!!!!!!!! To cut a long story short, we start talking. That was such a pleasant conversation. In the 90 minutes that we had from Liberia to Ghana she basically told me her life story: growing up in Liberia, living in Guinea as a refugee because of the civil war, how she met her husband, her daughter, her life in the States. She may only be 30 but she has he wisdom and the soul of someone way much older. Her story was captivating, enthralling!!! Sometimes God communicates with us using random strangers, I believe that there are certain things that I was meant to take away from that divine meeting and conversation. And indeed there are certain things that I have learnt and will pass on to others.  We arrived in Accra and she had to disembark, as I write this, I'm continuing  to Lagos. I normally read or sleep during flights, but she was great company. Small world this, who knows, Choco and I may meet again.... (Okay, now I'm sitting next to some random guy who is snoring terribly, not sure what I'm meant to take away from that, lol. Oh boy this is gonna be a looooong flight to Lagos!! )


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