Yes! The (my) YBP is real!

So at some point in 2015 I believe it must have been, I birthed a term over a pizza date with my buddies Lusanda and Akhona. The term soon gained uber popularity as I introduced it to my other friendship circles. Now, since then I have been wanting to blog about it....but I lacked adequate material so I held back. It took me a whole 12 months to actually meet someone who actually fit the profile of the term that I had coined. Yes granted the term in itself is not entirely new, but the context within which I coined it and further developed it with my girls is what gives it its originality in a way that only my girls and I appreciate.

Young Black Professional. YBP. That's the term. So you see I consider myself to be a YBP ... a young black professional who is upwardly mobile. A highly ambitious, assertive and purpose driven someone... So in my humble opinion the only match for me would be someone in the very same league...I believe that only makes sense! I'm all for that "power couple lets take the world by storm" kind of vibes. You know, the Oprah and Stedman kind of vibes, the Jay Zee and Beyonce vibes, and perhaps lets bring it a touch  closer to home, the Basetsana and Romeo type of vibes... you catch my flow?

Well the gods must have been smiling in my direction because I happened to come across and engage a real life, real time, real homie YBP with the most beautiful heart, the deepest sense of being, and an incredibly high state of consciousness. Like I'm talking about a real human being who encompasses all of the critical indicators to qualify as a YBP: charismatic, smart, driven, bright, conversational, incredibly funny, and all about black excellence. Easy on the eye too, and heavens those brown eyes would make any individual break out into a rendition of India Arie's Brown Eyes.....

That relatively short encounter with the real life, real time YBP actually made me realise that hey hold up... these kind of people, although rare, do exist, they are out there!

Ladies and gentlemen, friends and fellow country men, I do believe that I have found my prototype, my architectural standard, my blue print going forward. On a more serious note though, I strongly enjoy interactions with people that leave you better, wealthier and teach you certain things that you had not even thought about.

Cheers to you, Mr unassuming  YBP, you have just raised the stakes in a major way.


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