
I have been meaning to write about this awesome experience since the day that we arrived in Mozambique several days ago. But I suppose 4 days into the holiday is the most opportune time to sit down, reflect, recall and most importantly be grateful. I could not think of a better place to do this than on the beach, at 06:17 whilst l look out into the crisp blue ocean listening to the waves crashing into each other.

So, precisely 12 weeks ago I began toying with the idea of going away with my most trusted allies, my closest friends to mark my 30th birthday. The plan came to together in the most fascinating way and I could not have asked for a better group of people to spend 5 spectacular days with. Since leaving RSA 4 days ago, our time has been nothing short of mad, crazy and stupendous fun. We have had deep conversations, silly conversations, hilarious conversations, shared meals together, taken walks on the beach, played games, swam in the ocean or rather some of us got manhandled by the Goliath waves!

I am truly grateful for this entire experience and highly prize each of the people who have made this experience what it is. Old friendships have been solidified, new ones have been formed, and family ties have been solidified. In fact I feel like sending a shout out to each of these homies.

Lusanda and Akhona: we have been at this since high school days and we are still at it. These girls are forever bubbly, full of life and man are we crazy and more often than not we tend to live in our own imaginary world.

Anza and Lehakoe:  my lady friends, who would have thought that our initial interactions at Children's Church all those years ago would blossom into what we have today? Together, we do life, we are each other's cheerleaders and I love the way in which you are firmly grounded in the Word. Oh yes, and you too have had the opportunity of listening to my crazy stories which for the most part exist in my alternative universe.

Siblings (Thoby) :  my sister.... you are always there! I could not have asked for a better additional sister who is also a friend! I must say we have come a long way since our days of playing five cards and crazy 8 non-stop!

Moeketsi: Cousin.... you have added that certain je ne sais qoi to this entire thing. Thank you for taking the initiative to come on board. After years and years of talking we finally pulled it off and I lift my glass to the many more holidays that we will take!

Ashley: Guy, that laugh of yours is the future!! Full of life, full of insight, adventurous you are with the biggest and most beautiful heart. Thanks for being that guy who was willing to get into a bus with practically 10 strangers and head off to a foreign country!

Hlatsy: In the short 4 months that we have known each other, you have definitely come to the party in a big way hahaha. Thanks buddy for being that guy! And PS: you are incredibly sweet!

Austin: or should I rather say Antwan... (with an American accent)... We make a good team in that cards game! Thanks for coming through and man you make me laugh!

Zothando and Nkuli: Congratulations on your marriage guys. We only met on the night of departure and have now known each other for a grand total of 4 days but you would swear that we have all been friends since way back when!

To "every people" MUITO OBRIGADO!!!


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