Several days ago I had a dream. A dream that left me feeling in awe, feeling excited., feeling an inexpressible joy. Throughout that day I told anyone who cared to listen about this dream!!!

Well, so here goes. So it seemed like any other ordinary day...until I heard the news! Not sure whether it was e news or SABC, but either way the news anchor reported that, now wait for it......she tells the nation that Jesus is coming back!!! Now of course He is coming back, I know that. What was so striking in this dream was that they were reporting it as though it was already happening! The news anchor further stated that when Jesus arrives, He will start in Soweto (lol, I'm pretty sure that this has something to do with our Good Friday celebration at Orlando Stadium) and make His way through the country.  I was so excited, and couldn't wait to meet my  Saviour, my Redeemer face to face!! 

What a dream. It left me feeling all sorts of happy and joyous and calm and excited and ready for eternity!!!


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