My Sister, my Superhero

I feel like I must have won top prize when God was handing out older sisters. I feel like I won the jackpot in the sister lotto!!  I really could not asked for a better sister!!! Five years my senior, she plays the older sister role very well..I really don't know what would have become of me without I'm serious I mean that lol. Like all that she is and all the the things she does with such zeal and love is really beyond me!  Where would I even start? Or maybe let start me with how she bowled me over today and then  I will see what other stories I can manage to fit into this blog entry. Ok so as we speak (or is it as is write?) well anyway... I am on a flight to New York. I had such a busy day. I had planned to leave the office early at about midday, go to the shops quickly, go home and start packing. I eventually only managed to leave the office at 4pm...that did not leave me anytime to go via the shops so I had made peace with the fact that I would just head home and see to finish and make it onetime for my flight.  Then Super-Sister, yes my sister is a superhero, so much so that she deserves her own clothing range with the name Nkateko embroidered on a super-woman kind of top. Anyway back to my story. So my sister calls to ask how I'm doing time-wise and if she can get me anything at the shops and she will drop it off at home. So I simply name three items: a cardigan, black pants and a pair of pumps. So I get home and start packing and lo and behold my sister walks into the house, comes into my room and all I see is plastic after plastic and in a second there is a large spread on my bed!! Two sweaters, two cardigans, the black pants,  and three pairs of pumps!! That's my sister for you...always going far and beyond what you would expect!!   To top it all off, she says she will take me to the airport, together with my parents (I must say that's my dad and moms favorite pastime : taking me to the airport whether I'm flying to a local destination like Bloemfontein or whether it's a long haul flight. Pardon me, I digress that will be the topic of my next blog post) and my two princesses in tow, in their pink pyjamas and fluffy gowns taking their Nani to the airport to get on iBanoyi.  Upon arrival at the airport my super sister insists that we sit and have drinks albeit for ten minutes. So  milkshake for Honey, Angel and I, chai tea for super sister and soft drinks for mom and dad. Good family times!! Yeah my sister knows how to make a family occasion out of anything!!  There are innumerable other occasions that I can cite, let me same a few: -  I can show up anytime at her house and I can be guaranteed that I will have a dinner plate with my name on it (or maybe she just knows that I spend like 80 percent of my time there so she better be prepared) - She always makes me such awesome skaftin, like three course skaftin I tell you - She is my events planner (she threw a whopper of a 28th birthday party for me!) - She is always has fun and creative things to do! - She makes the best food ( on this point I have decided to use her as my benchmark: one day one day when one gets married I'll just request that she tells me what she's cooking for dinner and I will just replicate.... Why reinvent the wheel huh?)  There is not enough room to write about all that my sister is. But today,I just had to out pen to paper (or finger to IPad) and pen down what I have always known: my sister rocks! Dear Father in Heaven, thank you for my jackpot of a sister (I wonder if this sister-sister relationship is beneficially mutual, in seem to be the taker taker taker in this relationship lol!!). Bless her abundantly, may divine favour chase her and inform everything she does. May she always be the head and never the tail. Always going up and never going down! And may we live to be old old (but still fabulous  of course) in Jesus name! AMENI PS: funny story. After I had written the above blogpost my niece confirmed the fact that my sister is indeed a superhero. Last week my sister, in an effort to add style and a certain jenais se quoi other outfit, tied a cardigan around her shoulders. My niece then looked at her mom strangely, and whispered to her dad :" Diddi, why is uMama wearing into ka Superman?" Loosely translated, dad, why is mom wearing Superman's cape? I REST MY CASE 24 July 2014


  1. You should see the pride in her face when raving about you and your travels Nyiko...!! Will probably be in trouble for this...but its true. Also agree great event planner, so creative. Not sure how I got here...��


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