Priceless Moments

What a wonderful moment!
Indeed it is true that sometimes we must just take a moment, stop and smell the roses. This evening, I did just that, figuratively speaking that is. What would otherwise be a normal evening, turned out to be an evening that made my heart smile. I came home to find my father in the kitchen preparing supper for the family (since my mom was still at work). And since two heads are better than one, I joined him in preparing dinner. Now, this seems like such a mundane task, but the extraordinary nature of it came not from cooking and peeling vegetables but rather from the conversation that filled the space in the kitchen.
In between chopping onions, slicing tomatoes, placing pots on the stove my dad and I started talking about the outcome of the Kenyan election in which Uhuru Kenyatta, the son of the founding father of the east African nation, Jomo Kenyatta, was elected as President. Our robust conversation touched on issues such as: what are the possible implications of this outcome; what are the prospects of the country going forward, how will the AU pronounce itself on the issue; will the same manner in which Al-Bashir of Sudan is treated in Africa inform the manner in which Uhuru is treated; will the west succeed in its endeavor to influence developments in the country?
I cherish such conversations and moments. My father is one of the smartest and sharpest people I have met. My father has the impressive ability to speak authoritatively on various topics such as: world history, on African politics, contemporary global affairs, books by that contained ideas that changed the world.
When I conduct an introspection of sorts, the idiom that says that says that the apple does not fall far from the tree, rings in my ears. I am indeed my father’s daughter. I thank God for this match made in the heavenlies!
In essence, I hold my father in awe.


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