Just call me Noah

To be sure of the things you hope for. Certain of the things you cannot see. Now what exactly does that mean? I have read Hebrews 11:1 so many times. Infact that whole chapter which speaks of the things that people of old have achieved through or by faith. By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. And by faith even Sarah, who was past childbearing age, was enabled to bear children because she considered him faithful who had made the promise.  

Hebrews 11 is sure to leave even the biggest skeptic or pessimist full of hope and an immeasurable  confidence! I know it leaves me feeling like I can conquer the world if not the entire universe!

I have found though, that at times we often read Heb 11:1, can recite it by heart but we don't really know the power that lies therein! The power that lies within this five letter word. I just wonder how many of us in our day to day lives, in the situations we face and challenges we encounter even think of that which is contained in Heb 11:1?

The word "sure" means  to have  a confident anticipation of something and the word "certain" speaks of something that's established beyond doubt. 

Here's what Jesus said about faith during the time of his physical presence on earth: 

MARK 11:22-24

Have faith in God, Jesus answered. I tell you the truth, if anyone
says to this mountain, Go, throw yourself to the sea, and does not
doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it
will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in
prayer, believe that you have received it, and  it will be yours.

MARK 9:23
Everything is possible for him who believes
One the most impressive exercises of faith for me must be the story of Noah contained in the book of Genesis .....way before the author of Hebrews was divinely inspired to pen that famous verse. Hi-five to Noah who when told it would rain (which would lead to a flood) and as such he should build an ark-did just that! Built an ark even though he had no idea what rain was (it had never rained on earth at that point), even though he saw no proof of that which God spoke about, even while being ridiculed by the people of the day! He was SURE and CERTAIN that what God said would happen no doubt.

One evening after our weekly cell group meetings Gugu, a lady of substance and faith, and I explored this concept of what it really means to have real and active faith. On that very evening, in the kitchen of my sister's house the MegaFaithProject was born!! (Now the MFP has a number of facets to it- currently its major focus is still on one area which Gugu and I will divulge in the fullness of time *hapPy mischievous girl giggle*).

That very night I decided to step up my game! I committed myself to graduating from the Mvela to PSL league of Faith or even EUFA league of faith! I decided that I was going to actively, consciously apply Faith in all that I do! I had decided to live by Faith on purpose thereby availing myself (and those around me) to a whole galaxy of possibilities!!!!!

Now, between my God and I, there are several (for the moment)  issues / requests on MegaFaith letterheads. Requests which I am certain and sure that they shall come to pass- even though it may look like I, like Noah am building an Ark under a clear blue sunny sky without a rain cloud in sight. Until then Just call me Noah

Unwavering, Unshaken, Immovable Faith-------thats the name of the game!


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