My goodness, why though? Why do we like to hold on to things even well past their sell-by dates? Or is it just me? This is rather strange because when it comes to food, if anything is within two or even three days of its sell-by date (note I said sell-by date, not even expiry date ), I do not touch it. I am that girl you will see at the supermarket always reaching for the bread, milk or veggies that are at the back of the shelf! What’s worse, even my mother will tell you that if a box of milk is due to expire say on the 10 th of June, should the digital clock on my nightstand hit 00:01 on the morning of the 10 th , I would not hesitate to throw my blankets aside, march to the fridge and throw out that box of milk out before someone decides to have cereal the next morning. Why then is it that in some instances (maybe one in particular) have I not extended the same risk rating that I have given to expired milk to some situations (or one situation in particular)? It...