Dear Society
Dear Society I write this letter to you, not to complain per se, but rather in a concerted effort to set the record straight ( or to set you straight). I feel that I owe it not only to myself, but to thousands of other people out there that I honestly believe feel slighted by you Society, they feel the heavy pressure which you Society have, in your lack of wisdom have placed on their shoulders! This letter is therefore written in the public interest, to voice the inner thoughts of the voiceless. Society, I would like to know who bestowed upon you, the divine right to decide that at a certain age, say 25/26 one ought to put on that white dress and walk down the aisle towards the so-called knight in shining armor. ( I must say never in my life have I found the thought of a man on a horse in silver armor to be appealing at all- if anything I would run in the opposite direction). It is as though if you happen to be 27 (like i am) and not married ( or n...